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Although based out of Portland, Oregon Jina Clark and Brendan Burke, are attorneys / lawyers who consider consider dog bite cases in Linn County, Oregon.

Linn County Dog Bite Attorney

will consider cases in the following cities:

Albany (also in Benton County), Brownsville, Gates, Halsey, Harrisburg, Idanha (also in Marion County), Lebanon, Lyons, Mill City, Millersburg, Scio, Sodaville, Sweet Home, Tangent and Waterloo.

Below are relevant portions of the Linn County Oregon dog bite statute located at:

Linn County Statute.

Linn County Dog Control enforces the following laws within Linn County excluding the Albany city limits:

* Licensing – Any dog six months of age or with permanent canine teeth which has been in your possession within Linn County for 30 days must be licensed (ORS 609.100).

* It is unlawful for dogs to run at large in Linn County. Any Peace Officer or Dog Control Officer may impound a dog that is found running at large.

* No dog owner or keeper of a dog shall permit a dog to chase, kill, wound, or injure livestock not belonging to the owner or keeper of such dog. The owner or keeper of a dog that has injured or killed livestock is responsible for the amount up to double the amount of damages. Any dog, whether licensed or not, which, while off premises owned or under the control of its owner, kills, wounds, or injures any livestock not belonging to the master of such a dog is a public nuisance and may be killed immediately by any person (ORS 609.150).

* A dog in considered a public nuisance per ORS 609.095 if it:

1. Chases vehicles or people
2. Damages or destroys the property of others
3. Scatters garbage
4. Trespasses on private property
5. Disturbs any person by frequent or prolonged noise
6. Is a female in heat and is running at large