The Clark Law Team!
Clark Law and Associates, LLC is an Oregon and Washington Law firm based in Portland Oregon
Put our team to work for you! (503) 238-1010.
Oregon and Washington Attorneys
Why do I need an attorney licensed in both Oregon and Washington?
Sometimes cases involve both Oregon and Washington law and it is best to have an attorney licensed in both states. Clark Law and Associates, LLC has lawyers licensed in both Oregon and Washington. For instance, if a Vancouver Washington resident is in an auto accident whereby the Washington resident is rear-ended by a Portland Oregon driver while in Oregon, Oregon law will apply to tort claims against the Oregon at-fault driver. But Washington law will apply in relation to insurance contract claims for payment of medical bills and wages before the case is resolved against the at-fault driver. Washington law may also apply if the at-fault Portland, Oregon driver only has a minimal insurance policy, and the Washington resident suffers serious injuries. A Washington underinsured motorist claim may be necessary against the Washington State insurance policy to fully compensate the Washington resident. Other law firms, even as far as Seattle, have worked with our law firm because they need attorneys who practice law in both Oregon and Washington when inevitably legal issues arise involving the laws of both states.
Oregon and Washington State Civil Practice Areas

Personal Injury
We handle personal injury cases including wrongful deaths, auto accidents, dog bites, exotic animal attacks, premises liability, product liability, and injuries due to police misconduct.

Auto Accidents
Oregon and Washington auto accidents, bicycle accidents, trucking accidents, pedstrian victims, uninsured motorists, underinsured motorists and diminished vehicle value claims

Dog Bites
Oregon and Washington Dog Bites. Many counties and cities have off-leash laws to prevent dog attacks.

Premises Liability
Oregon and Washington slip and falls, trip and falls or other hazardous conditions due to the negligence of the property owner.

Product Liability
Oregon and Washington Product Liaiblity cases.

Exotic Animals
Were you attacked by an exotic animal. Many counties and cities have exotic animal statutes for your protection.
Wrongul Deaths
If you have lost a loved one due to the negligence of another, the estate of your loved one may be entitled to compensation.
Breach of Contract
Attorney fees may be available for enforcing contracts by the contractual terms or if the contract is under $10,000.00 per ORS 20.082
Property Damage
Was your property damaged due to the negligence or trespass of another?
Oregon Criminal Defense, Expungments and Police Misconduct
Criminal Defense
Misdemeanor and Major Felonies

Criminal Expungments
Call us at (503) 238-1010 to see if you qualify to leave the past in the past. Your conviction must be at least 3 years old. Most arrests must be at least 1 year old. Other requirements apply.

Civil Police Misconduct
Wrongful arrests, excessive use of force, false imprisonment.
Oregon Landlord and Tenant Law

With everchanging laws, landlords can quickly find themselves subject to penalties and the opposing party’s attorney fees. Prevent problems with a $400.00/hour consultation to prevent spending thousands due to mistakes.

After an initial consultation rate of $400.00/hour, we may offer an alternate fee arrangement.

Eviction Expungements
Beginning in January 2020 some evictions may be expunged.
Oregon Protective Orders
If someone is putting you in imminent fear of your physical safety or if you find yourself as the accused, we can help you determine your options and work with you to develop a strategic game plan to resolve your situation, so you can move on with your life in peace.

Oregon Stalking Orders
Stalking orders are permanent.
Oregon Restraining Orders (Family Abuse Prevention Act Orders)
F.A.P.A.Oregon Restraining Order Attorneys orders last one year but may be renewed.

Restraining Orders for Elderly and/or Disabled Abuse Victims
Restraining orders last one year but may be renewed.
Our Attorneys

Jina Clark (formerly Jennie Clark)
Managing Attorney

Brendan Burke
Associate Attorney

Bryan S. Ruff
Associate Attorney
Our Staff

Richard Towns
Legal Assistant

Bergomy Ostin
Financial Analyst

Law Dog
Working Hand in Hand to Problem Solve
Oregon Litigation Process
What to expect: Insight into the process of litigating a civil lawsuit in Oregon.
Our law firm, Clark Law and Associates, LLC, based out of Portland, Oregon has weekly meetings to give our attorneys an opportunity to discuss their cases in addition to attorney-to-attorney meetings during the week. Sometimes, a seemingly simple case can suddenly become legally or technologically complex. It is great when attorneys can work efficiently together behind the scenes to come up with customized legal strategies for the benefit of our clients. Our attorneys also help each other with the everchanging technological aspects of practicing Oregon and Washington law, especially when we need to work remotely. Lawyers in our law firm frequently discuss our litigation strategies and overall game plan for our Oregon and Washington cases. It is wonderful to work with multiple attorneys to receive legal input and technological assistance when needed.
Each lawyer has the use of a law office at our law firm in Portland, Oregon and can also work remotely from home. When our lawyers are working in law offices next to each other, lawyer to lawyer mentoring naturally develops for the benefit of our clients.
Often areas of law overlap and a lawyer who specializes in one area of law will confer with an attorney who specializes in another area of the law. For instance, an attorney who primarily practices Oregon personal injury law may need to consult with one of our Oregon criminal defense lawyers regarding how criminal matter may impact a personal injury case and discuss the best game plan in light of the circumstances. Or a lawyer handling a premises liability case may need to confer with a landlord/tenant attorney if the case involves a rental unit. Due to disputed liability between defendants, an injured client may have a premises liability claim and a product liability claim. The owner of the premises may claim that the chair given to a customer had a design defect that caused it to collapse when the customer sat on it while the chair manufacturer may claim that the property owner failed to maintain the chair. Thus, the client would need both a premises liability attorney and a product liability attorney. Our Oregon police misconduct cases often involve state law, federal law, criminal law, personal injury law and a variety of causes of action such as wrongful arrest, false imprisonment, assault, battery, and various constitutional law violations. Our Oregon police misconduct lawyers frequently have group strategy discussions on how to navigate challenging cases.